讲座人介绍 |
Paolo Rocca (IEEE Senior Member) received the MS degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Trento in 2005 (summa cum laude) and the PhD Degree in Information and Communication Technologies from the same University in 2008. He is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (University of Trento) and a member of the ELEDIA Research Center. In April 2017, Prof. Rocca received the National Scientific Qualification for the position of Full Professor.
Prof. Rocca is the author/co-author of 1 book chapter and of more than 120 journals and 250 conference papers. He has been a visiting Ph.D. student at the Pennsylvania State University (U.S.A.), at the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria (Italy), and a visiting researcher at the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S@ Supèlec, France) in 2012 and 2013. Moreover, he has been an Invited Professor at the University of Paris Sud (France) in 2015 and at the University of Rennes 1 (France) in 2017. Prof. Rocca has been awarded from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the Italy Section with the best PhD thesis award IEEE-GRS Central Italy Chapter. His main interests are in the framework of artificial intelligence (optimization and machine learning) techniques as applied to electromagnetics, antenna array synthesis and design, and electromagnetic inverse scattering. He served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters in the period 2011-2016 and is an Associate Editor of the Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.
讲座内容 |
In several applicative scenarios, antenna arrays are a key-technology. Let us consider satellite and ground wireless communications, MIMO systems, remote sensing, biomedical imaging, radar, and radio-astronomy ... no one of those applications would be suitable for decision makers without a reliable and cost-effective implementation of the physical layer and RF Tx/Rx system.
According to the requirements of the next generation telecommunications and radar systems, nowadays the radiating part (i.e., the antenna) needs to guarantee high performances, multiple functionalities, and re-configurability, that phased array antennas can potentially yield. Anyway, due to the high implementation and maintenance costs as well as other issues related to the weights and dimensions, unconventional arrays solutions [1] have been recently proposed in order to habilitate the phased array technology when conventional arrays are not feasible.
Because of the wide range of fields of applications, the large number of degrees of freedom (e.g., type, position, and excitation of each radiating element), the different architectures (fully populated, thinned, clustered, etc.), and the user-defined requirements (maximum directivity, minimum side-lobes, maximum beam efficiency, etc.), the synthesis of unconventional arrays turns out to be a complex task from both the methodological and computations viewpoint. Of course, it cannot be tackled by a single methodology since the “general purpose” method is still and (it is our opinion) it will be always an unreachable “holy grail”.
For this reason, there is the need of new and different design strategies, as instance thinned, sparse, interleaved, and clustered/tiled array architectures. Of course, each unconventional solution needs to be properly customized to efficiently address the various issues arising when a compromise solution must be found [2]. In this framework, suitable design methodologies that provide the optimality of the antenna design as a trade-off between the complexity of the system and the fulfillment of the requirements, are nowadays of great interest.
In this talk, a review of the most recent and advanced solutions and synthesis tools for the design of new generation tiled array architectures is presented, focusing on the key innovative methodological advancements.