(通讯员:刘永奎)2019年4月15-22日,应我院刘永奎副教授邀请,新西兰奥克兰大学工程学院科研副院长、智能制造专家、机械工程系Xun Xu教授访问我院,围绕着云制造、数字孪生、AR/VR等当前智能制造领域的研究热点做了一系列学术报告和讲座,包括“Cloud Manufacturing – a New Paradigm for Manufacturing Businesses”、“Digital Twinning for Cyber-physical Systems in an Industry 4.0 Setting”等,还分享了新西兰奥克兰大学工业4.0智能制造实验室目前正在从事的研究工作,以及论文写作和发表方面的相关经验。报告会在主楼三区“菲声493”学术报告厅(III-237)和主楼三区143北会议室举行。
在yl9193永利官网关于云制造的报告中,Xu教授首先介绍了云计算、服务科学、面向服务的制造等概念,由此引出了云制造;其次,Xu教授以Autodesk 360 Platform为例阐述了Platform as a Service (PaaS)的理念。接着,Xu教授从工业的视角对云制造进行了探讨,包括服务用户和服务提供者能够获得的优势以及开展和实施云制造的前提条件等。最后,给出了一个从云端对机床进行控制的例子。
在yl9193永利官网关于数字孪生的报告中,Xu教授首先介绍了数字化浪潮和4次工业革命,以及第四次工业革命的关键概念组件(如云基础设施、实时大数据分析、协同等)和定义,然后介绍了Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Cyber Twin/Digital Twin等概念,重点阐释了数字孪生,包括定义、应用、模型和构建方法。最后,给出了一些数字孪生的例子,包括自行车、机床和工业机器人的数字孪生模型及相应的构建方法。
Xun Xu 教授简介:
Professor Xun Xu is a Chair of Manufacturing at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland. He joined the Department after completing a PhD from the University of Manchester (then UMIST), UK in 1996. He has been working in the field of intelligent manufacturing solutions for some 30 years. Dr. Xu is an internationally recognized expert in smart machining systems, cloud-based manufacturing and IoT enabled manufacturing. He serves as an Associate Editor and a member of Editorial Boards of a number of international journals and has published over 300 research papers. Dr. Xu is the founding Director of the University of Auckland “Innovative Manufacturing and Materials” Program, which draws expertise and experts from the Faculties of Engineering, Business and Science of the University. He has also served as the Associate Dean Research of the Faculty of Engineering, and Deputy Head of Department. He is the Director of Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems (LISMS), the only Laboratory for Industry 4.0 in New Zealand. His current research focus is around the Industry 4.0 technologies, e.g. cloud manufacturing, smart factories, Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) for manufacturing, big industrial data and data analytics, additive manufacturing and human-machine interactions. Dr. Xu is the Fellow of American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the Fellow of Engineering New Zealand (EngNZ).